Wednesday, February 29, 2012

More info on raw juicing

Juicing Raw Cannabis: Part I
Posted on 06/23/2011 in Medical Marijuana

Health conscious Americans have long since known the health benefits of juicing raw vegetables. And now, physicians and patients across the country are beginning to apply the same principles to medical marijuana by juicing raw cannabis leaves.

Juicing fruits and vegetables is a great way to infuse concentrated vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients into your diet. Fresh juice is key to delivering these nutrients because vitamins decompose quickly. For example, fresh, non-pasteurized juice that is stored for more than 12 hours will begin to oxidize and lose its nutritional value. Since the nutrients are in liquid form, the juice requires hardly any digestion, allowing its nutritional goodness to be rapidly absorbed into your system. Apply these same concepts to medical marijuana, and juicing could be the quickest, most efficient way to harness the medicinal plant’s benefits. This is especially true when you consider that cannabis loses important enzymes when it’s heated, just like raw food.

Not only does juicing cannabis leaves have significant health benefits, it is widely appealing to patients because it does come with the typical high associated with smoking. That’s because the leaves are high in CBD (Cannabidiol), a non-psychoactive component of marijuana that has been shown in studies to moderate the euphoric effects of THC – the most psychotropic of the marijuana plant’s 80 known cannabinoids. THC must be heated in order to be activated, which is another contributing factor to cannabis juice’s non-psychoactive effects.

By juicing the leaves of the cannabis plant, patients are able to drink CBD in its pure, natural form, which has been proven to treat countless medical conditions. CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, anti-depressant, anti-psychotic, anti-oxidant, sedative, and immunomodulatory properties, and has been shown to relieve convulsions, inflammation, anxiety, and nausea. It’s perhaps the most medicinal of all of the marijuana plant’s components, and it’s even been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth.

Dr. William Courtney of Mendocino, CA, a “pot doc” who was profiled in the Washington Post last year because of his work with cannabis juice, recommends that patients juice 15-20 leaves per day. Cannabis leaves have the highest CBD levels, and are therefore best for juicing, when the plants are between 70-85 days old. Unfortunately, for patients who aren’t allowed to grow their own medicine, accessing so many leaves could be unrealistic for a full 30 days of juicing. But perhaps the state run dispensaries in AZ and NJ will catch on and create this healing juice? Only time will tell.


Juicing Raw Cannabis Part II: How to Juice Raw Cannabis
Posted on 06/26/2011 in Medical Marijuana
Continued from Juicing Cannabis Part I…
There is not much research yet into the benefits of juicing raw cannabis. However, much anecdotal evidence has been circling the Web and well-known publications. High Times Magazine reported on a woman who used juiced cannabis to treat her lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, hypoglycemia, anemia, chronic sinusitis, chronic bacterial infections, and other serious ailments, claiming that drinking raw cannabis juice saved her life. And the Washington Post reported that a sufferer of Crohn's disease credits raw cannabis juice with helping reverse the painful intestinal disorder.

As most people know, marijuana’s medical quality has been recognized by a wide range of medical and public health organizations, including the American Academy of HIV Medicine, American College of Physicians, American Nurses Association, American Public Health Association, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and many others. Yet opponents of medical marijuana have long since argued that cannabis is not a medicine, simply because they say medicine should not be smoked. However, juiced raw cannabis may be the antidote to their arguments.

Supplies needed:
- Juicer
- 15-20 cannabis leaves
- Optional: 2-4 inches of cannabis buds
- Fresh carrots

Directions: First, juice the cannabis leaves through the juicer. Second, juice the buds through the juicer (optional). Finally, juice carrots through the juicer until you have one-part cannabis juice and 10-parts carrot juice. Doing so will counteract the bitterness of the raw cannabis. Divide into three portions and drink throughout the day. Juice will keep for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.

what if I don't like juice???

So alot of people have been asking me what do they do if they do not have a juicer?
Or what if they don't like juice all together.
If its a juicer you need, you can first always try to find a used on on craiglist, ebay!
We use a champion juicer. Although Ive hearda wheat grass juicer is the best yet.
Or I have even tried grinding up the leaves with some juice or water in a BLENDER.
THEN U CAN squeeze the juice through a cheese cloth, to not get all the extra green material.
some people LOve it, and don't mind the chunks, I like it smoother.
Yes! If u have a vitamix you can this works great, just blend all those leaves up.
 OK.. For those wanting a non juice way, you can add fresh leaves to your salads, greens you eat, or you can grind it up and put it in a capsule. For some people, while this is time consuming to cap up some people find its easier to make what they need for a few days.
HOW ever you decide to use raw cannabis leaves, I swear you too will also feel the medicinal benefits.
Good Luck!
HappY raw cannabis Juicing!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


So first off, WE DID IT! 40 FULL days of raw cannabis juicing.
WE did it everyday, I never missed one day, and have even now learned its a must have
3-5 times a day kinda thing.
Yes! I have alot of non believers about the benefits to raw cannabis juicing.
Instead of a tylenol, I drink a cup of juice.
Instead of being sick all the time, I feel like My body is starting to protect itself from a common cold that would usually lead me to a series of antibiotics.
Some people think, only quacky hippie freaks are doing this?
MAYBE i AM a quacky hippy freak? I don't know.
But I can promise this... I am NOT STOPPING!
I have read that your body truly starts to feel all the full benefits of juicing after 6-8 weeks, so while it was a challenge to do 40 days. I will be continueing my raw cannabis juicing quest.
I hope to continue to feel good, be in alot less pain and inflammation and Not be sick all the time.
I HOPE my blogging has opened some people's eyes to the potential of raw cannabis juicing.
I hope that people everywhere who are in chronic pain, or just chronic illness will consider this strange and maybe even bazzar thing I believe is saving my life.
THE QUESTION IS...........
~Peace Leanne the raw cannabis juicer for life!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

i guess we will have to AGREE to DISAGREE!!!

So I Know that some people think I'm nuts for juicing the raw leaves. I know they think I'm trying to get high in a new way. Some even have said, "well if its anything its the extra choriphyll or green that gives you that engery bump" I am SURROUNDED by Disbeleivers. Normally I would be O.K. with agreeing to disagree. But recently, one of my co-wokers disagreed so much, that at a recent ASA event, they asked a local Pot doctor what he thoughts (in front of everyone and without me being present to ask my own questions) he doctor who outta kindness I will noT name, said It was all foney balony BASICallY!
I don't understand how people especially those who are in the Cannabis Community cannot be opened minded to a new concept like RAW CANNABIS JUICING.
WHY if we didn't know How Incredible CBD's were 10 years AGO and how CBD's are they true parts of the cannabis plant that give us the greatest medicinal benefits...WHY can't the same people be open and more accepting that we are still LEARING all the wonderful things this plant can do.
I really Don't care if people don't BELIEVE ME.
i Believe!
I feel the difference. My body hurts (inflamed) when I go without it.
Yesterday was a crazy and super buzy day, and for the first morning I DIDN'T WAKE AND DRINK JUICE. I think My body didn't really need it. UNTIL!!! 10 p.m. and I was throbbing. My whole body hurt. Not from lack of or withdrawal but cus I have inflammation and live with chronic pain. I know the feeling. So tired as hell, I got up made juice and swigged down a huge glass. But I think I was too late, I've been sleeping soo much better, and now I didn't get my normal consumption and I didn't sleep at all. I hurt too bad, I couldn't get comfortable, and needless to say I did NOT sleep.
I am Back TODAY, drinking My raw cannabis juice on my normal routine and am hopeful for a great night sleep.
LOOK, maybe this isn't for everyone. Yes, I'm crazy (everyone is in their own way, I believe) But I also feel this is really and truly WORKING for me. I'm feeling great, I am able to fight off sickness alot more. people say I'm looking great too!
So Yes, I drink Raw cannabis Juice for my health, wellbeing and most importantly to help relieve my pain and inflammation.
how many of them say in their commerical they are an anti-inflammatorant for something??

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

DAY #25 still NOT missing one day yet!

Someone once told me you can break a bad habit, or change into a good one if you can do it for 21 days straight. Its how I stopped biting my nails after 30 something years, YUCK! But still after two years, I never went back to that bad habit.
So being 25 days into this raw cannabis juice challenge, I know I've passed the 21 day mark, and can and will do this FOREVER! iM being alittle optimistic LOL, but honestly think I will juice everyday from now on. It is almost like my body knows when I need more. I get a little pain coming on, and thelittle juice fairy in my head shouts out "GO GET SOME GREEN JUICE" and within 5-10 minutes my aches never really turn into pain. I cannot believe 25 days have already passed and IM already feeling so much better.
As I said before, being perimenipausal at 40 is really hard. I get my cycles alot more often now, look Im writing 25 days into this, and I'm already on my 2nd cycle. WHICH AGAIN not only giving me the emotional stuff, but I'm in pain, bloated, fatigued even get migraines from it. And now on cycle 2, since starting juicing, I'm doing Good! Yesterday I woke feeling really crappy. A day like that I would normally  stay in bed, rest and try to live through the pain and discomfort.
Now as I've stated before, I'm not cured. But the raw cannabis juicing truly helps decrease my symptoms and makes life manageable. Yesterday for me was a true test, in that I changed my outcome. I was bed ridden for the day, I didn't miss out on the goals for the day. In fact!!! I completed everything I NEEDED to get done. I am so proud of myself. But more than anything feel truly BLESSED for this miracle in my life.
I swear, If you meeet someone who is in chronic pain or chronic illness, YOU would do, or try just about anything to MAKE LIFE BETTER, even if its just alittle bit! But for me, so far cannabis juicing has changed and benefits me alot. I'm so going green people!
Thanks to all of you who are reading my blogs, or attempting to (with my numerous type-o's, and horrible grammar) I really hope this gives people lots of information on the benefits I'm having with Juicing raw cannabis.

Friday, February 3, 2012

LEAVES, where do you get them? and how do You drink this stuff?

So as I find Not only do I love this raw cannabis juicing. I am spreading the word to all who will listen, and even go as far as to share some of the articles I find and print. Mainly people I see at work, but they are all quiet fascinated and as they watch me, knowing how ill I can get, they notice and mention they see benefits in me. WHICH I LOVE! but more to what I'm writing about it, this raw juicing is actually a big blessing in that I HAVE THE LEAVES that are needed. It isn't like you can go to the store and buy a bag of cannabis leaves, (not yet anyway) So the biggest hurtle I face isn't me continuing to juice. It is how I get, gather, package enough big shade leaves a person would need for the day, let alone week.
Remember the fresher the better. So the questions keeps coming up where do I get good, clean, pesticide free leaves, AND WHERE?? It isn't a veggie. It isn't even legal in many states. I am a Californian 215 medicinal Marijuana Patient and follow all my states rules and guidelines. But even here, the concepts of raw juicing the leaves are New even to the cannabis community. and Only a couple of dispensaries are even attempting to carry fresh leaves for tehir patients. Good Luck. AND anyone with any ideas please let me know. Fresh is Best, I hear U can freeze the premade juice in ice cube trays, and package and store.
Personally I believe I notice the greatest benefit from picking fresh leaves, soaking for five minutes then juicing right after.
 Final Note, before I attempt to sleep some this morning.
WHAT DOES IT TASTE LIKE??? Is the big question I get.
well not as bad as wheat grass I swear. Better than to much spinach juice.
It really can be cut quiet nicely with several different choices.
SWING IT STRAIGHT....... cannabis leaves and alittle water for blending.
SWIG IT WITH GINGER BEER...... take 1:10 ratio cannabis juice to Ginger Beer and drink!
Cannabis Juice and Carrot.............Seems to be a standard, although I have read high in sugar for diabetics.
Cannabis Juice and Veggie Fruit Punch............ Using your juicer after making cannabis juice and make a great veggie/fruit juice to go along with the great benefits of the raw cannabis, the extra vitamins from the punch will surely give you a energy punch.
Try it any way you like. I have read some people shred the leaves and put them in salads, pasta dishes, add to anything fresh. I haven't gone that far, YET!
and May I get some sleep : (

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's not my Pot, its MY MEDICINE!!!

You know since I have used cannabis for a long time, especially after a work comp injury that left me in pain, which was managed by all kind of medications (not just pain meds)
SO alot of people make me feel like I'm just a pot head, who uses it chronically.
Honestly, after giving up over 8 kinds of medications....YES I do, did and always will allow myself to use cannabis anytime I need, instead of pills. So if I wake up nausious, as I often do.. I do wake and smoke cannabis. For me, it isn't the getting high right when I wake, its medicine to calm my tummy and make me not feel so sick in the morning. Or I use it for pain management during the day, or for a decrease of anxiety I use cannabis. So Yes, I guess some would still say she is a POt Head. People who know me, may say I am sick ALOT. But lazy, stoner who doesn't get anything done. NO WAY! I use it for medicine. I use to help relieve my chronic illness.
i HAVE noticed over the last few days, that I don't need to wake and use cannabis, well SMOKE IT.
i AM actually able to use my cannabis juice for my morning ickies!! and find I now am even smoking less, and not right when I wake. See, I'm not a wake and baker just cus I wanna get morning HIGH! I can use some cannabis amd  feel so much more at ease. cannabis as my medicines, I am so proud I can see and feel the benfits of raw juicing and in such a short amount of time as well.
aGAIN, as the raw cannabis juicing is NOT giving me a "high" feeling.Yes, I get that veggi energy bump, the natural medicinal relief.  And as I see that this consumption method is giving me higher amount of CBD's, decreasing my pain and inflammation, and increase my body's immune system naturally.
So YES! I am juicing more everyday, and now smoking less to! BONUS ; 9

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

another article.... and more benefits!!

Raw Cannabis Juice and the Link to Clinical Cannabinoid Deficiency

marijuana juice

Consuming raw cannabis juice may provide preventative as well as symptomatic relief for a variety of illnesses.
(Click to enlarge)

" Emerging information about endogenous cannabinoids has revealed their role to be much more important in human biology and health than ever suspected before. "
Some time ago, the internet was ablaze with articles touting the benefits of a new way to ingest medical marijuana: Juicing raw medical marijuana plants. The information stated that, much like juicing and the raw food diet, juicing medical marijuana preserves vital compounds and enzymes, like CBD cannabinoids, that would otherwise deteriorate with the combustion from common baking or burning methods. What's even more amazing is that experts claim that a diet saturated with cannabinoids may treat an oft-misunderstood biochemical disorder: Clinical Cannabinoid Deficiency.
Mendocino and Humboldt County-based physician, Dr. William Courtney was one of  the first to present works regarding the benefits of raw cannabis juice. His greatest proof? A miracle patient named Kristen Peskuski. Pekuski, by her own admission, had always been sickly. Throughout her life she suffered from hypoglycemia, endometriosis, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, chronic bacterial infections, systemic lupus, chronic sinusitis, interstitial cystitis, and a host of other serious conditions. She saw doctors in some of the best hospitals around the country and was at one time taking over 40 prescription medications a day. Not a single doctor was able to diagnose the root of her illnesses, instead focusing on treating whatever ailment she was suffering from momentarily.
According to an interview published in High Times, things did not improve for Peskuski until she began self-medicating by smoking marijuana and using edibles. The positive results she experienced from medical marijuana gave her the confidence to go cold turkey on all her prescriptions and move to California in order to have access to clinics that provide medical marijuana treatment. Eventually, she came under the care of Dr. Courtney and this began the raw cannabis experiment. Pekuski says that raw cannabis saved her life because what she really suffered from was a cannabinoid deficiency disorder.
Emerging information about endogenous cannabinoids has revealed their role to be much more important in human biology and health than ever suspected before. For example, both anorexia and bulimia have been attributed to what doctors say is an imbalance of the endocannabinoid system. Endocannabinoids are naturally occurring and affect a number of physiological processes, including appetite and pain sensation. The CB1 receptors that accept chemical messages from the endocannabinoids do not distinguish whether the cannabinoids have been produced naturally or not. This is why using medical cannabis allows the brain to send the same messages as it would if the endocannabinoid system were not malfunctioning.
Dr. Courtney isn't the only one working to better understand these discoveries. Ethnobionist, professor, and author Chris Kilham wrote an article, in which he asked the “seventy-four thousand dollar question.” He says, “Does cannabis simply relieve these diseases to varying degrees, or is cannabis actually a medical replacement in cases of deficient anandamide?”
While the general thinking has been that medical marijuana eases symptoms of various illnesses, the questions have now turned into whether medical marijuana actually addresses biochemical issues in the brain.
For Dr. Courtney and Kristen Peskuski, the results pointed in that direction. Moreover, it was the method of ingestion that may have been equally revealing. Juicing was what really allowed Peskuski to receive enough cannabanoids to recover from her  illnesses.
As it is, within the natural makeup of a raw cannabis plant, THC exists in two varieties: THC and THC-A. Once the plant is cured and heated, components of the THC-A change. While this change creates an overall higher THC potency, it also decreases the available amino acids and other cannabanoid compounds, like CBD and CBN.
Raw foodists follow similar principles: Because heat destroys certain enzymes and nutrients in foods, incorporating raw, unprocessed foods allows for a greater availability of those elements. For  Peskuski, who requires large amounts of cannabinoids without the psychoactive effects, nothing else was available to meet her needs.
However, as with any natural regiment, evidence is sometimes anecdotal and not all regiments are created equal for all patients. For all of the articles written about the benefits of juicing medical marijuana, there were almost none that questioned it's promised results. This becomes a dangerous thing when it involves people with life-threatening illnesses who may not know how to properly medicate.
Dr. Courtney's work has not been peer reviewed or tested in a double-blind study. Perhaps, this is due to certain blocks the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) put on medical marijuana research, but experts hope that sooner than later, clinical trials of marijuana on human subjects will provide irrefutable evidence of the benefit. As for doctors, while they may recommend using medical cannabis to ease symptoms, they normally won't recommend programs (such as juicing), which have not been through clinical trials


From Marijuana

Editors Note: This information is not meant to diagnose or treat specific diseases. Please consult with your health practitioner to determine the best health care plan for you and your body. You know best!

Health conscious Americans have long understood the health benefits of juicing raw vegetables. Now physicians and patients across the country are beginning to apply the same principles to medical marijuana by juicing raw cannabis leaves.
Juicing fruits and vegetables is a great way to infuse concentrated vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients into your diet. Fresh juice is key to delivering these nutrients because vitamins decompose quickly. For example, fresh, non-pasteurized juice that is stored for more than 12 hours will begin to oxidize and lose its nutritional value. Since the nutrients are in liquid form, the juice requires hardly any digestion, allowing its nutritional goodness to be rapidly absorbed into your system.
Apply these same concepts to medical marijuana, and juicing could be the quickest, most efficient way to harness the medicinal plant’s benefits. This is especially true when you consider that cannabis loses important enzymes when it’s heated, just like raw food.
Juicing cannabis leaves has significant health benefits and is widely appealing to patients because it does come with the typical euphoric high associated with smoking. That’s because the leaves are high in CBD (Cannabidiol), a non-psychoactive component of marijuana that has been shown in studies to moderate the euphoric effects of THC – the most psychotropic of the marijuana plant’s 80 known cannabinoids. THC must be heated in order to be activated, which is another contributing factor to cannabis juice having a non-psychoactive effect.
By juicing the leaves of the cannabis plant patients are able to drink CBD in its pure, natural form, which has been proven to treat countless medical conditions. CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, anti-depressant, anti-psychotic, anti-oxidant, sedative, and immunomodulatory properties, and has been shown to relieve convulsions, inflammation, anxiety, and nausea. It’s perhaps the most medicinal of all of the marijuana plant’s components, and it’s even been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth.
Dr. William Courtney of Mendocino, CA, who was profiled in the Washington Post last year because of his work with cannabis juice, recommends that patients juice 15-20 leaves per day. Cannabis leaves have the highest CBD levels, and are therefore best for juicing, when the plants are between 70-85 days old.
While there isn’t much research (yet) into the benefits of juicing raw cannabis, there is much anecdotal evidence available. High Times Magazine reported on a woman who used juiced cannabis to treat her lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, hypoglycemia, anemia, chronic sinusitis, chronic bacterial infections, and other serious ailments, claiming that drinking raw cannabis juice saved her life. And the Washington Post reported that a sufferer of Crohn’s disease credits raw cannabis juice with helping reverse the painful intestinal disorder.

Marijuana’s medical quality has been recognized by a wide range of medical and public health organizations, including the American Academy of HIV Medicine, American College of Physicians, American Nurses Association, American Public Health Association, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and many others. Despite these endorsements, opponents of medical marijuana have argued that cannabis is not a medicine because medicine should not be smoked.
Perhaps juiced, raw cannabis can be the antidote to their arguments.
Ii am not so savy on how to re-post to my blog, but I want to start adding articles on raw cannabis by the cannabis community. Hope this give people more informative info on the benefits of jucing raw cannabis!