Sunday, February 28, 2016

RSO OIL CAPS by Norstar Genetics review

Watch my latest review on RSO CAPS!!!
Prefilled, lab tested, know your dose.
Available in high thc and high cbd caps.

Cannacare topical cannabis line!!

Check out my cannareview video all about Cannacare topicals a local sonoma county cannabis company.

Friday, February 5, 2016

High thc canna capsule by Ligthning Moon Collective -Humboldt made

Wow!!!Are you looking for some high thc canna capsules??
Check out lightning_moon_collective high thc capsules
In 50mg, 100mg, and 200mg of thc per capsules.
I have built up quite a tolerance so i really ❤❤ getting to try
A 400mg capsule dose for meπŸ˜†
I ate the both the 200mg  "epic space caps"
Made in humboldt county these oil and cannabis capsules started to kick in a lot faster than other capsules.
I ❤ the high thc capsules for my deep  fibropain
Eating two of these 200 mg thc capsules each I ached after a long day at work. And often don't sleep that night due to deep fibro pains.
No more pain with an extra long night of sleep!!!!
If you need a lot more thc pick up some  ligthningmoon
spacecaps at sonoma patient group in santa rosa ca.or contact Ligthning Moon Collective  if you want themto carry it at your favorite dispensary too. loved their super strong long lasting capsules.
I give these space caps a πŸ‘πŸ‘

#edibles #strongcannabis #cannacaps #cannabiscapsules
#spg #spatientgroup #medibles