Friday, March 8, 2013

Getting more of those wonder CBD's

    "You know, it doesn't really matter if Cannabinoids can reduce Heart Attacks by 66%, Insulin dependent Diabetes by 58%, prevent Cancers: Because if we can't figure out how to deal with the environment it's Game Over, and Game Over fairly quickly."
    "If you heat the plant, you will decarboxylate THC-acid and you will get high, you"ll get your 10 mg. If you don't heat it, you can go up to five or six hundred milligrams & use it as a Dietary Cannabis... and push it up to the Anti-oxidant and Neuro-protective levels which come into play at hundreds of milligrams."
    "It is this dramatic increase in dose from 10 mg of psychoactive THC to the 500-1,000 mg of non-psychoactive THCA / CBDA / CBGA that comprises the primary difference between traditional ‘Medical Marijuana’ and Alternative Cannabinoid Dietary Cannabis."
    "It makes you feel good when they come back and they have stopped used something that causes GI tract bleeding or causes liver damage... pain pills and anti-inflammatory drugs, you feel like it's worth the whole struggle to get the education out there."
    "Why would you deprive a child of the possibility of preventing tumors, or the possibility of preventing Diabetes?" — William L. Courtney, M.D.

    "You wouldn't consider a Diabetic addicted to Insulin."
    "When I drink the leaf, I feel more attentive, more awake. I can breathe better. I don't get heartburn or stomach pain. Or feel muscle weakness or lower back or pelvic pain."
    "By eating it, I am able to saturate much more so than I could. Even if I were smoking all day long, I wouldn't be able to saturate as heavily as I can juicing."
    "I think the anti-fungal [and anti-bacterial] which is CBN,... and the THCA (which is only in the unheated plant material) and Cannabidiol are all helpful."
    But I think, more importantly, it is the interplay of all the Cannabinoids together that causes the most benefit.
    That when you isolate each one and take it alone, or take it as a pure synthetic, it can't have the benefits. It doesn't have the same effects that they all have together."
    "I thought: How does everyone not know about this. I felt right then and there my focus in life had to be helping other people in my same situation to get this information to use as well." — Kristen Courtney

    Marinol Caution: "...if you look at a drug like Marinol...the problem is 50% of the Marinol is not biologically active... 50% is Right-handed, 50% is Left-handed... Only one of those can fit into the receptor in the body and alter the cell physiology. And... the one that's very similar (it has the exact same number of molecules but not quite the same shape) actually can interfere with some of the functioning in terms of blocking binding at the receptor site in the receptor, in what they call the Ortho-steric binding site." — William L. Courtney, M.D.   
    Marinol contains Titanium Dioxide, a Carcinogen recognized by Canada.

    The Endo-Cannabinoid System maintains our biological systems by regulating each cell tissue. It forms Encannins from Arachidonic acid of Omega 6 EFA. 
    Cannabinoids: fatty molecules who's function is information transfer between cells.
    Dietary Cannabis mimics the Endo-Cannabinoid System by providing Cannabins that are identical to or interchangeable with Encannins.
    "The body produces Endogenous Cannabinoids. You may have heard of Endorphins: that's Endogenous Morphine. Well, in a similar fashion, the body produces Endogenous Cannabinoid."
    "A million times a day, cells begin to divide that shouldn't be dividing and the Immune system has to say, "Hey, you know, the shrubs are getting a little hairy there; we've got to trim them down. We've got enough Renal cells or Kidney cells. We've got enough bone cells, muscle cells." So the immune system's highly competent at dealing with that, but it can become more competent. And that is exactly what Cannabinoids do, whether you're talking about the body's endogenous Cannabinoids, or the plant, which can be Phyto-Cannabinoids (which just means cannabinoids from plants) or exogenous Cannabinoids. Both of those terms refer to those 20 Carbon molecules that are produced outside of the body, but bind to the protein receptors on the cells in our body and therefore help regulate it. So whether we're talking about the body's chemistry, or the plant chemistry, their role is to modulate the function of the Immune system."
    "So a Cannabinoid is a modulator that restores optimal function. That's what the body's system is doing. That's what the plant does. The plant facilitates the rapid restoration of the normal function." — William L. Courtney, M.D.

    Cannabis produces each dietary essential we cannot synthesize: non-psychoactive Essential Cannabinoid acids, Essential Fatty acids, Essential Amino acids and fiber.
    "... raw dietary use is the only way to get the full benefit of this plant." — William L. Courtney, M.D.

    Whether Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis, male, female, hermaphrodite, wild, bred for fiber, seeds or medicinal resin Cannabis is the best source for the anti-tumor activities of D9THC, D8THC, CBD, CBG, CBC, D9THC-a, CBD-a, CBN and terpenes.

    Male and female Cannabis have similiar Cannabinoid potency throughout development (Marijuana Chemistry, Mike Starks).

    Hermaphrodite offspring vary by chemo-type: often high Cannabinoid potency and unique Cannabinoid ratios are the genes chosen in attempt to survive the species.
    "There is tremendous drive within this plant to survive the winter. Stressors like light, heat, hydration, chemicals; anything that really pushes the plant will force it to make it's last ditch best effort to survive... Then, suddenly, feminization was not just a horrible human intervention; it was this plant stating "Wow! This is a rough enviroment and we need to put our best foot forward."... And in doing so it may throw it's wildest cards down on the table... So despite all the huge negatives of hermaphroditic changes, the fear - All feminized seeds are going to select for hermaphroditic and we must steer clear of them! -the hermaphroditic tendency is a survival tendency. Yeah, we get a little pollen on our females. Yeah, it decreases the quality of a very small portion of the plant that actually produces seed... And the whole ramifications were a small amount of flowers that produced seed that could possibly provide an incredible divergence in the genetic of the next generation that could improve it's survivability... They will master the environment." — William L. Courtney, M.D.

    Dr. Ruth Ross recently discovered how the Cannabinoid acids are 200-400 times more effective than Cannabinoid neutrals.
    "In particular, CBD-A, or Cannabidiol acid, is an anti-biotic. As soon as you put it into a tea, you simmer it, you saute it, you bake it, you smoke it, you lose that antibiotic function, and it converts it into CBD; with additional heat it converts into THC; and so with prolonged heating you increase the amount of THC (but our plant currently has a lot of THC, so that really isn't essential.)" — William L. Courtney, M.D.

    Neutral Cannabinoids are almost entirely the product of aging, heat or light.
    "It's only the human that takes THC-acid, heats it and converts it into THC."
    "I consider CBD a synthetic molecule for all intensive purposes, because it is present in such a low amount that other animals don't have access to it. It's almost like a spin-off product of CBD-a." — William L. Courtney, M.D.
    Patients exceeding 4 decades need Dietary Cannabis daily.
     Patients using blood pressure, birth control, Epilepsy, Anti-psychotic or any Cardiac medicines need more Dietary Cannabis to elevate their serum Cannabinoid levels.     
    Patients have found that Hemp juice lowered blood pressure an average of 10 points within 2 hours.
    Patients with Arthritis have used ground Leaf as an anti-inflammatory poultice with results overnight. 

    The medicinal potential of Cannabis is focused in the mature fan Leaf, where the Cannabinoid content has peaked after the Leaf has fully developed it's structure and the whole colas before trichomes become cloudy. Between 70 and 90 days (sooner for Ruderalis strains) is generally the time when Cannabinoids have begun to peak.            
    Due to the sequential appearance of Cannabinoids, some people's conditions respond better to younger Cannabis, such as halfway through maturity.

    The cloudiness of a trichome depends on how powerful the light that is passing through is.
Trichomes lit with 1000W on L compared to sunlight on R

    UV-B is the spectrum most utilized by a trichome to produce cannabinoid resins: it's directly correlated to increasing total THC content while lowering CBD while increasing total Cannabinoid content. 

Resinous flower grown indoors with full 
 spectrum UV-B
    Planting and juicing one plant per day in an organic culinary succession grow is optimal: A seed or clone is started as often as needed to provide an entire mature plant each day. A succession grow could also be done using 7-14 day old sprouts to juice, as the Cannabinoid content has a potency equal to a mature plant then.
   Sterilized Hemp seeds may sprout, but will not germinate; therefore sterilized Hemp seed is legal to sprout.

    Juicing is the best way to utilize Cannabis as a food, medicine or entheogen: It leaves less plant material stuck to equipment than other methods.
   Plants sprayed with any pesticides shouldn't be juiced, but some pests are edible, such as Spider mites.
    Blenders are most appropriate for preparing buds; Wheatgrass or masticating juicers are more appropriate for Leaf.
    Softening buds in a blender may damage enzymes, so patients with accelerated conditions should eat fresh buds whole or softened with a masticating juicer.
    To prepare leaves for a juicer soak them in a pot of cold water for 5 minutes. Make sure the leaves are entirely clean before soaking, even if they are organically grown.
    To preserve the medicinal activity of juice fill containers so that air is minimized, or freeze in a container such as an ice cube tray.
    Leaves may stay fresh when refrigerated for up to two weeks in a Green bag between paper towels.
   The problem: "The throat irritation is based on the fact that the stems of cannabis have sharp little hairs" from (Why the raw cannabis juicing trend may 
 not be all it's juiced up to be Xeni Jardin) is answered with Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future David Wolfe: "Hemp leaves... contain a high percentage of silica.. and fiber. One side of the leaf is soft and the other side is abrasive, so as the leaf is eaten and the fiber moves through the body, the sides of the leaf churn through the tract, scrubbing and softly cleaning the intestines."

    Because juice is acidic, many people dilute it with organic fruit or vegetable juice such as garlic or lemon.
    "I started out with carrots - I do four in the morning, four in the afternoon, but after eating carrot juice for five or six months you begin to turn orange a little bit (I knew someone in college who actually did), and so I now put in beets and broccoli (just because Bush doesn't like it, it figures it's got to be good for you), anything laying around - kales." — William L. Courtney, M.D.

    Cannabis clinician Dr. William Courtney generally recommends taking an Arachidonic acid source, such as Hemp seed oil, a salad of Hemp seed sprouts or micro-greens and 4-8 ounces of juice (or eat an equivelant 6-30 leaves and a bud the size of your thumb whole) divided into 5 doses with 500mg of CBD and however much THC is tolerated over the course of a day.
    "And it's phenomenal because you get these cannabinoids in, they're non-psychoactive, they saturate the body and they facilitate the body's regulation. And so, I tell each of my patients: the single most important thing you put in your mouth after water, on a daily basis, is, approximately, eight green leaves a day" — William L. Courtney, M.D.

    When 5 mg/kg of CBD is indicated for one's condition - unless a pure CBD strain is available, a patient may need to first remove THC to allow a higher quantity to be tolerated.
    "Take your cannabis. You grind the cannabis to a fine degree which increases the surface area so that you can get to the cannabinoids in the plant material. You get a variable temperature heat gun, which allows you to provide a constant single temperature for hours at a time, so that it's better than any of the vaporizers, because it's very, very, very steady. You turn the heat on until it goes to 166 degrees Centigrade. The longer you heat it the more THC is boiled."   
    CBD is present at 4,500mg/lb in Northern Lights, a 1% CBD, and new 5% strains provide 22,000 mg/lb. For 5mg CBD for a 200kg person, it would require 500mg of a 5% strain.
    CBD is a lipid anti-oxidant stronger than Vitamin E. It's useful in the prevention and treatment of Oxidative diseases such as Amphetamine, radiation or Alcohol exposure and diseases of the CNS as it crosses the Blood Brain Barrier and exerts anti-oxidant activity.     
    "So, it's a fat molecule that can get into the brain, which is very hard to do, because the brain is very protective, but because this has 34 million years of research on its side it knows how to walk between the lines and the body has allowed it access to the brain. So, for Parkinsons, for Alzheimers, for strokes whether embowelic, hemmorhagic, or traumatic, or surgical, these are all conditions where CBD is uniquely beneficial." — William L. Courtney, M.D.
    Some CBD-rich plants are Industrial Hemp, strains that were bred a few decades ago that remain as they were in the 60's-70's, plants from and labs such as GW Pharm.
    "The Hemp plant is actually an excellent plant because the THC content can be low, that's if you're treating a condition for which appears CBD food supplement is in order.
    The plants we're using in Luxembourg have only 1% CBD, a 1% CBD plant is providing you with 19 times more CBD per pound than Oranges provide you of vitamin C. A 1% is an excellent source, you can make tremendous concentrates you can eat the plant raw - and the absence of the THC - you can heat Hemp, which you can't do with other strains because the THC acid comes out and you end up with a psycho-toxic substance."— William L. Courtney, M.D

    Ensure the plants you juice for Acidic Cannabinoids weren't close to Grow Lamps or a heat sources. The amount of THC in a cup of heated juice could exceed 100 joints worth. THC can cause disphoria or the loss of consciousness with greater than 10mg doses.
    Some find that the raw young leaves growing nearest to the dominant center stem have psycho-activity when eaten.
    The safest THC preparations may be vaporized ice wax and heated juice.
    "I call it a poison." — William L. Courtney, M.D. (on the delta 9 effect)

    CBN is produced naturally and as the metabolite of THC. It's the only sedative molecule in Cannabis.
    Other commonly known activities of CBN are: anti-leshmanial, anti-biotic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-proliferative.

   D9THC boils at 157C, D8THC boils at 175C, CBD boils at 160-188C: "However, both begin to sublimate off at even lower temperatures, and commercially available vaporizers, even the Volcano, do not heat evenly enough to allow fractionation of one component over another. What your patient is doing is wasting some cannabinoids and terpenoids by preheating. To get all of them out requires more prolonged heating, or a higher temperature. When the latter is done, it favors higher molecular weight sesquiterpenoids, many of which are sedating." - CBD Diary - ProjectCBD

    Common Hemp seed oil provides 10 mg per kg of CBD, 0.6mg THC per 50-100 ml and Cannabinoid acids.
    Swiss and Finland sourced Hemp seed oil can contain up to 50 mg of THC per kg.
    Swiss Hemp Essential oil contains 540 mg of CBD and 3 mg each CBD, CBG and CBN per kg.

    For more on Dietary Cannabis set up a Consultation with Cannabis International at (707) 961-1420, take a course on Medicinal Cannabis at taught by William L. Courtney, M.D., or one of the Juicing events at the Arcata Humboldt Patient Resource Center, the San Jose Canna Culture Collective, the Mendocino Leonard Moore Co-op or The Kalamazoo Med Joint Community Compassion Center.

    "You have to understand cannabinoids: it's the key to getting better." 
    "It's a dietary essential: it's so much more than a medicine - and it definitely is safe."
    "You can use it in the morning, and midday; still function - drive cars, there is no interference with your ability to take care of your daily issues."
    "It's the poster-child for raw food."
    "The use of the raw plant includes the acid cannabinoids; CBDA, THCA, CBGA, CBCA. The acid cannabinoids, CBDA and CBGA are now known to act at GPR55 as potent antagonists of that pro-inflammatory receptor. The acid cannabinoids are 2-4 fold more effective than the neutral cannabinoids, which have been the exclusive focus of study for the last 30 years. The neutral cannabinoids, CBD, THC, CBG, CBC … are functionally synthetic molecules made by application of heat to alter the naturally occurring Acidic Phytocannabinoids. The specific ratio of cannabinoids is an area of tremendous significance and an area in need of additional research. Consumption of the whole mature raw flower / bud and leaf is the best current thought. The amount per day is dependent upon the weight-to-weight cannabinoid content analysis of that specific plant as there is dramatic variation between particular plants of the same name and across time for a specific plant.
    If analysis is not available, assume high THC concentration in the 8% to 21% weight to weight or w/w. In general CBD is usually less than 1% w/w. Another way of describing the relative amounts of THC to CBD is cannabinoid content. For the vast majority of strains in California the ratio OF CBD TO THC per 100 grams of cannabinoid, is 0.4 to 1.0 grams of CBD/100gm to 90-95 grams of THC/100gm. Sadly the other 78 cannabinoids share the remaining 4 grams. Note that W/W is the amount of CBD per unit weight of cannabis where cannabinoid content is an estimate of the relative amount of THC, CBD, CBC, CBG, CBN etc per 100 gm of cannabinoid extracted from a particular strain.
    Individuals often start out with 1-3 grams of mature bud / flower to assure no idiosyncratic allergic reaction or psycho-activity. In indoor grow rooms with low ceilings sometimes the buds get very close or touch the high pressure sodium lights which are hot enough to breakdown THCA into THC. It has been suggested that very hot outdoor grows may also have some decarboxylation at the top of the plant but this is very rare. Once comfortable with mature raw flower, slowly increase the amount to 14 grams or 1/2 ounce wet weight mature bud harvested from the living plant. In addition to the raw bud use 30 to 300 leaves per day in accordance to the amount of plant that can be consistently provided on a daily basis. It is best to juice the leaves to decrease bulk of the fiber but it is best to blend the flower into the juice of the leaf, particularly with the new 10-20% CBDA strains. Blending the bud rather than juicing it, reduces the loss of cannabinoids that adhere to the ejected fiber that is part of the juicing process. In the past bud was juiced when using 1% CBDA plants because of the large amount of plant material required in order to recover 600 mg of CBD.
Flavor management is a very important for compliance. The juiced leaf and blended flower is combined with hemp milk/ hemp oil / keifer / yogurt into a smoothie or combined with fresh vegetable or fruit juices. Organic produce without the fungicides, herbicides and pesticides are important if available.
     The smoothie / juice with its phyto-cannabinoids / terpenes / flavinoids are best taken in divided doses due to their rapid clearance i.e. the cannabinoids clear in about 50 minutes after absorption from the intestine is complete. If the final amount is 10 ounces, then divide into five 2-ounce doses and take every 4 hours. Keep on ice. Shake before using to mix the fatty acids with the water portion of the juice. For serious illnesses, try for 6 doses a day, that is leave one dose in the refrigerator for consumption if one gets up to use the restroom at night.
     Replace high THC plants with plants of increased CBD content and ideally with plants providing specific ratios of CBDA to THCA indicated for the specific medical condition.
    The THC dose, for those that are comfortable with THC, is 10-15 mg. If you are blending a mature bud into a glass of juice it could and should have 5-600 mg of THCA and 5-600 mg of CBDA if the plant is a 1:1 plant such as the original Cannatonic 6.9%w/w CBD to 6.2% w/w THC or a tested strain of Harlequin, which range from 4%/4% to 8%/8% CBD/THC. If that juice is accidentally heated by placing the ‘vegetable’ juice into a vegetable soup, it will create a very psychotoxic dose of THC.
     Reiterating to a fault, if you are consuming 600 mg of a 1:1 plant, you are consuming not only 600 mg of CBDA but also 600mg of THCA, upon heating the THCA turns in to approximately 580mg of THC when the tolerable dose is 10 mg! That would be like consuming 58 brownies when you can only tolerate 1!
     If you find a source of cannatonic seeds beware that the cannatonic feminized seeds can vary widely from the original plant. Recent HPLC testing showed an expression of CBDA from 22% w/w to <1%CBDA and concurrently THCA contents ranged from 1% w/w to 30 % w/w. This marked divergence mandates testing of the plant while keeping back living clones in case you locate the desired cannabinoid ratio.
    "If you have not eaten Cannabis for a long time, you are struggling alone. Your immune system is doing it's best, but . . . it's my belief that if the CBD was there 5 years ago or twenty years ago - if it was part of your diet daily - there would be a lot less of those Cancers that we then would have to struggle with in a life and death fashion. You want to have CBD present before an event occurs. So if you are eating leaf regularly, and if your CBD content is ready - think of it like Vitamin C: it's just an Anti-oxidant on board, you limit the extent of the re-profusion injury, and you mitigate the damage from being done."
    "Morocco may be the only place on the planet where men live longer than women. The cultural aspect is that men sit around and smoke this hash together that is 40-50% CBD. And so, by accident or societal prudence, that are consuming a significant quantity of these 'prophylaxis' cannabinoids, and it appears to have given them a capacity to weather the rough lifestyle and add years to their lives."
    ''A child who used to have hundreds of seizures a day now goes days without having a seizure [using 11:1 CBD/THC Hemp juice after being on every medication Western Medicine had]. Another patient of mine who is 2 or 3 years old had a brain stem tumor: after receiving 10 times the fatal exposure of radiation and a bone marrow transplant, she was sent home from hospice care. She was consuming up to 4 - 8 oz of raw cannabis juice per day - her MRI came, not only is the tumor gone, but the radiation damage, the scar tissue has completely reabsorbed in a year and a half, and it normally takes 5 - 6 years for that to reabsorb.''
    "Anxiolytic: if you highlight it every time the Federal Patent refers to anti-anxiety effects - in a somewhat humorous effort to distinguish anti-anxiety as a non-psychoactive effect - and as a psychiatrist it's like 'Ha, they're trying to distinguish the THC effect from the CBD effect!' - 'CBD really helps with anxiety - that's O.K. THC we don't know what it does but that's horrible!'"
    "The amount of money spent on diseases that Cannabis could prevent equal the military budget."
    "If people need another reason to be active, it is in reversing the Treaty One, immediately. Stop that legislation that prevents this plant from being used by billions of people in the world, for whom that is really their only source of Analgesia and Anti-inflammatory, Anti-neoplastic, Anti-fungal, Anti-bacterial, Anti-malarial, Anxiolytics and Anti-psychotics."
     "I believe Cannabis is a dietary essential for all 7 billion people in it's ability to prevent conditions as well as treat conditions that could already exist."
     "At CannabisInternational, one of our major projects is the production of a billion pounds of seed and the distribution of those to folks who are living on a dollar a day."
    "So we give them a pound of Cannabis, they put it in the ground, they get Essential Fatty Acids, Essential Amino Acids, Essential Cannabinoid Acids: we're trapping 5 billion acres of CO2, and we produce the most healthiest people on the planet, and the last become first - and we have a Clinical study; but we cant call it a Clinical study because that's a crime: because this drug has no benefits...but it would be an amazing thing to see a billion people who no longer develop Heart disease or Diabetes and are doing well. Currently working on a strain called Carbon Capture and Storage, that could provide leaf and flower running 20% CBD."
     "If its true that that pharmaceutical industry equals the Forbes 500, you have a block that want to preserve its ability to continue being able to pay its mortgages and send its kids to school, but it has an enormous amount of power - its going to be difficult - I mean Science is overwhelmingly clear that the body regulates itself intimately with the Endo-Cannabinoid system; and that Cannabis for 34 million years of co-lateral evolution has consolidated these 20 carbon molecules - we're over 100+ of those now - to assist the Endogenous Cannabinoid system in its goal: to maintain Homeostasis - so if a cell becomes over active it will down regulate it, if its under-active it will up regulate it.
     The fact that such a prestigious institution as the National Cancer Institute has acknowledged that there are direct antitumor effects, means that at the top things are begining to change. But that will have a double-edged sword: -if Cannabis really is that beneficial, let's get out there and make it Roundup Ready and grow it cheaper and make sure it's sterile seeds so you have to buy it from Monsanto. So people can't propagate it on thier own. It's the next wave: If it's not basically illegal the world over, then let's make it inaccessible-unless you buy from a company that owns it's genetics." — William L. Courtney, M.D

    "Over 525 different chemical compounds have been identified in the cannabis plant. These substances act as primarily feedback modulators facilitating the Endogenous Cannabinoid System’s regulation of cellular physiology. The plant’s primary constituent is THC-a, which along with other phyto-cannabinoids, interact to modulate the immune system.
    Patients become dysphoric or euphoric on 10-20 mg of THC, well before they can take in a full dose (200 to 1,000 mg) of the other non-psychoactive cannabinoids. Many middle-aged patients cannot tolerate THC, even if it alleviates their symptoms, due to the dysphoria that interferes with their day-to-day functions. Age or heat decarboxylate THCa to THC, reducing the tolerable dose from 2000 mg to 10 mg, and resulting in the loss of the inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-proliferative activities of the cannabinoids.
    US Patent 6,630,507 states that certain cannabinoids can have useful therapeutic effects, which are not mediated by cannabinoid receptors, and are therefore not accompanied by psychoactive side effects. Furthermore, the absence of psychoactivity in some cannabinoids allows for very high doses to be used without encountering unpleasant side effects or potentially dangerous complications.
    In October 2009, we confirmed that the 14,500 µgm / ml of non-psychoactive THCa was potently active in modulating the immune system and was tolerated because the 90 µgm / ml of free THC does not cross the CB1 stimulation threshold. This has supported widespread interest in juicing the whole plant, diluting that juice 10:1 for palatability and then consuming the juice in divided doses up to 5 times / day. We have discovered that dietary leaf therapy is a gradual process that increases over the first two months or regular use. Once the plant is absorbed, cannabinoids clear in 50 minutes supporting a q3-4 hour dosing."
    ''Cannabinoids, Terpenes and Flavinoids have numerous functions, but play a central role in modulating the immune system. They have been shown to be effective as Anti-oxidants, Analgesics, and as an Anti-inflammatory; they are Anxiolytic, effective in treating OCD, are active in cellular glucose metabolism, and appear to inhibit aggressive tumor cell growth. The terpenes are known to act synergistically as allosteric modulators at the CB2 receptor. Abnormal function of the ECS can arise from a Clinical Endo-Cannabinoid Deficiency (CECD), from an as yet unidentified Endogenous Terpene Deficiency, as well as from structural / functional deficits in the synthetic, import and degradative enzymes.''
    "Every body needs access to this plant; but people with nothing else, at least this would give them their health back. Relax them, and help them enter a state of mind where they are more creative, more open to the changes they're facing; less fearful about what that means. And maybe, even offer them a sense of peace and hopefulness about what is next. Rather than focusing on what you have lost.
    For places that don't have adequate vaccine, that are impoverished, this is a cheap way they can protect their bodies - and also one of the best ways they can do both at the same time.
    Cannabis is one of the major plants used throughout time, it is so often overlooked, when people talk about medicinal plants of the past, people don't realize how important of a role it has played, and that compared to the whole of Human existence, it is only very recently that has had a negative stigma attached, or that is has been illegal... - compared to the whole of Human existence.
    I think William is right: that we should all be writing Obama a letter thanking him for the government patent on Cannabidiol... and urging him to allow us Medical Freedom." — Kristen Courtney

    "Dr. Mechoulam discovered why massive doses of Cannabis hasn't killed anybody, not one recorded death. We don't have any Cannabinoid Receptors CB1 or CB2 in the Medulla Oblongata, that's the part of the Brain that controls Respiration and Heart rate. So massive doses of many other drugs or even not so massive doses cause Respiratory depression, Cardiac suppression and Death. Massive doses of Marijuana might make people fall a sleep but it doesn't stop their breathing or heart." — Dr. Frank H. Lucido

    ''Magnesium Chloride is a potent mineral medicine; it is safe and incredibly fast-acting, as is marijuana. When Magnesium is combined with Cannabinoid medicine we dramatically increase the medical horsepower we are applying and can expect superior results. Magnesium is the Lamp of Life and without it we are toast! The two together should be stocked in medicine cabinets providing the safest, most effective medicine team we can recommend for patients.'' — Dr. Mark Sircus

    "Very simply, when THC connects to the CB1 or CB2 Cannabinoid receptor site on the cancer cell, it causes an increase in Ceramide synthesis which drives cell death. A normal healthy cell does not produce Ceramide in the presence of THC, thus is not affected by the Cannabinoid." — Dennis Hill

    "So, there are numerous benefits from these Essential Fatty Acids that help modulate. We can change our biological chemistry by our nutritional intake, but going beyond that is the only certain limitations as to how much you can vary our Endo-Cannabinoid activity from a nutritional point of view. So, that - for many people - the whole huge spectrum of illnesses ... they all have free-radicals ... and Cannabinoids, be they the ones we make or the ones we can take in benefit those!
     So, it's now my stipulation that in order to reset the thermostat: to lower the damage caused by - essentially, a degree of unnecessary inflammatory responses, we have to essentially consume Cannabis; with Cannabis being, now - from my perspective, an essential nutrient by virtue of how it will turn down inflammatory responses and inhibit the aging process and the negative consequences of age-related illnesses. Nobody dies from being old - they die from age-related illnesses.
    Very safe and effective medicine that's able to uniquely tap into our Endo-Cannabinoid System which interestingly and ironically regulates everything in our body."
    "The Tree of life is the Cannabinoid plant. The Endo-Cannabinoid system is uniquely suited to holistically modify the multi-dimensional interacting limit cycles that determine a systems health at any instance as well as how it evolves over time."
    "...on the deepest levels of our being, the same process is repeated....All our economic structures, our political structures, our social structures are all manifestations of the same process that occurs within us and...creates humans, within humans, and it all has fundamental underlying relationships to Cannabis"
    "So, what we would like to do as sentient Human beings is try to understand how we can promote our own health: and not only our own health as individuals but the health of the society - because we happen to be a part of the society, whether you like it or not - and how our society is part of a bigger whole: the environment, and how can we through understanding and knowledge become contributing factors to positive movement, and what role - surprisingly - does the Endo-Cannabinoid System play in allowing that to occur?" (A: Consciousness is the process controlled by the ECS that allows understanding) — Dr. Robert Melamede

Viable pure CBD Hemp seeds:
Austrailian viable Hemp seeds
German viable Hemp seeds
Chinese Hemp

Online MMJ Vendor:

Magnesium Chloride:

Dry Industrial Hemp Leaves:

Fine Hemp Seed oil vendors: may be the cheapest USA vendor of high quality in small amounts  may be the cheapest USA vendor of high quality in large amounts

OTC CBD (Hemp constituents now legal in USA): 25 mg "scripts" may contain 1 mg THC

Swiss Hemp essential oil: fine Hemp essential oil
UK Google advanced search for Hemp essential oil

Edible 100% non-toxic Hemp root:

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