Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 is the year for raw cannabis juicing!

Several new states have now joined Colorado, and Washington in legalizing cannabis for recreational use. Oregon, Alaska, and Washington D.C. will be joining them. And medicinal states are growing by leaps and bounds, we have passed the tipping point on having more medicinal marijuana states than not. This is fantastic, amazing and I see How my struggles, our struggles with getting raw cannabis juice to patient and people wanting to try it, will be getting easier.
But raw cannabis juicing needs you help!
If you are interested in juicing you medicine, having continual access to raw fresh, organic leaves, that are also safe and pesticide free we need you to start talking about it.
Asking questions if you live in medical states and are medical patients, start asking for the big shade leaves, (most growers throw them away along the growing process) If you live in states where legal Cannabis can be grown, ask grower and dispensaries to carry fresh leaves you can juice yourself.
And if you now live in a state where recreationally legal, or medically legal do what you laws allow to grow you own medicine. and Juice it. Growing your own medicine allows you to insure you are getting safe pesticide free raw cannabis.
I have worked on this blog for almost two years now, continuing to share the knowledge of raw cannabis juicing, it's benefits and continue to struggle with how to get patients these vital leaves.
Now, with the new legalization of Hemp in several state in the US, Raw Hemp Leaves can also be used to gain the CBD people want. Remember Cannabis does not activate the THC in the plant, so eating it or drinking it raw, you wont get high.
I started my  40 day raw cannabis juices challenge to see if I felt different. I knew within in days that my body was feeling better. I believe raw cannabis juice it one of the best natural inflammatory on the planet. I pray one day the world will have access to it's benefit.
HAPPY 2015!
Happy raw cannabis juicing.