Monday, January 30, 2012

week 2

I am truly convinced that with long term use of juicing raw cannabis leaves, I will no longer suffer from many of the chronic illnesses I've had. I pray, anyway.
unfortunately I have taken many pharacuedial medications to help with my pain, inflammation and inability to fight infection on my own.
Yes! some people think I'm nuts, But Im at a point in life, I'll try just about anything to help me feel and get better. Especially with my most recent problems regarding my retinas and the potential to GO BLIND at any second, is VERY DEPRESSING and often leads ones mind to what's the point???
But over the last 2 weeks I've gained a changed in my attitude!!
I am not WELL, or CURED but I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. and even on not so good days, I'm still able to work, get things done, my symptoms are manageable. AND THAT IS WHAT is extremely important to those who are chronically ill or in pain.
Someone the other day said " uh yeah, just another way to get high" Ummm I live in california and have access to some of the greatest cannabis if its the "high" I want.
But everyday, a I swig down another glass of Green cannabis juice (I like it with ginger beer to cut the taste) I feel better, I feel the pain melt away. I am even taking alot less over the counter pain med's!!!
Maybe I'm Nuts, Maybe a California pot head : )
all I know is I FEEL BETTER, AND CANNOT WAIT TO SEE how Great I feel
after 6 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. "So, there are numerous benefits from these essential fatty acids that help modulate. We can change our biological chemistry by our nutritional intake, but going beyond that is the only certain limitations as to how much you can vary our Endo-Cannabinoid activity from a nutritional point of view. So, that - for many people - the whole huge spectrum of illnesses ... they all have free-radicals ... and Cannabinoids, be they they ones we make or the ones we can take in benefit those!
    So, it's now my proposition that in order to reset the thermostat: to lower the damage caused by - essentially, a degree of unnecessary inflammatory responses, we have to essentially consume Cannabis; with Cannabis being, now - from my perspective, an essential nutrient by virtue of how it will turn down inflammatory responses and inhibit the aging process and the negative consequences of age-related illnesses. Nobody dies from being old - they die from age-related illnesses.
    Very safe and effective medicine that's able to uniquely tap into our Endo-Cannabinoid System which interestingly and ironically regulates everything in our body." — Dr. Robert Melamede
