Friday, January 13, 2012

40 day challenge! Juice FRESH/RAW cannabis leaves 3-5 times per day.
Hoping to find medicinal benefits from chronic pain, auto-immune disorder,insomnia.
After watching the Youtube video, "Leaf", and saw all the benefits this patient recieved from cannabis. and Not the traditional methods I've already been using over many years of cannbis use.
I have great hope that this 40 day challenge of Raw cannabis Juice will help improve our lives, our well-being and if nothing else! make us feel better!
Is that even possible?
Is there really a chance that juicing raw cannabis will help us to LIVE?
are we hiding in the shaddows a plant that we call ILLEGAL (scheduled I drug- holding NO medicinal value ) that could actually HELP saVE people and cure them from diesease without pharmacutials??
WATCH OVER THE next 40 days and see if JUicing Raw Cannabis leaves will help YOU too!

40 day challenge Plan:

Take 20-30 fresh cannbis leaves extract its juice and drink it 3-5 times a day for 40 + days.
Yes it must be fresh, (extra juice can stay fresh in the fridge for 2-3 days) BUT fresh juice is always considered to have more vitamins and benefits the fresher juice you use.

1:10 ratio. Cannabis is extrememly concentrated and tasted no quite as bad as wheat grass, but it is suggested that you use soemthing to Cut the taste at a 1:10 ratio. Carrot jucie is what is suggested, however I have read and now tasted that "ginger beer" really helps cut the taste. It is said that you can use anything you life.

Ok this isnt an issue for me! But WHAT ABOUT THE HIGH?
For most people, this is the BIG question. I don't want to get that "high" feeling I get from when I smoke it. well I will add to this post video's and reference info, on how I came up with this challenge and am already finding that..... YOU don't get HIgh.
why? well because its raw, the THC isn't decorbonated changing the molecural sturctures making it Physoactive. Really, my partner Bill doesnt EVER use Cannabis becuase he doesn't want to get that "high" feeling!

1 comment:

  1. Dietary Cannabis Juicing, Sprouting and Non-psychoactive Cannabinoid Dosing info based on Dr. William Courtney's recommendations at
