Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I recently provided juice for a friend who suffers from chronic pain, inflamation, arthritis throughout her body, and she has been battling cancer for the last year.
We got four days for juice in, when her surgeon wanted her to stop all consumption of cannabis.
Within the first few days of juicing she was able to get up and move around. she even walked all day (on day three) where she would normally need a wheelchair to get around.
It was amazing. But when she had to stop was when she noticed the BIGGEST difference.
After three days of NO juice, she hurt everywhere again, her knee flaired up, and she was'nt able to move around much.
As soon as her masectomy, we re-introduced cannabis jucie back into her routine, and just after one day she was calling needing more green juice PLEASE!
She even feels that the more juice she can drink, the faster she is recovering from her major surgery.
She take little to no pain medication, no antiinflamatory med 's, and she even says she is taking less valium for sleep.
Its not just me..
I'm not the only one seeing and feeling the benefits of juicing raw cannabis.
Here's to my next glass

Monday, January 30, 2012

week 2

I am truly convinced that with long term use of juicing raw cannabis leaves, I will no longer suffer from many of the chronic illnesses I've had. I pray, anyway.
unfortunately I have taken many pharacuedial medications to help with my pain, inflammation and inability to fight infection on my own.
Yes! some people think I'm nuts, But Im at a point in life, I'll try just about anything to help me feel and get better. Especially with my most recent problems regarding my retinas and the potential to GO BLIND at any second, is VERY DEPRESSING and often leads ones mind to what's the point???
But over the last 2 weeks I've gained a changed in my attitude!!
I am not WELL, or CURED but I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. and even on not so good days, I'm still able to work, get things done, my symptoms are manageable. AND THAT IS WHAT is extremely important to those who are chronically ill or in pain.
Someone the other day said " uh yeah, just another way to get high" Ummm I live in california and have access to some of the greatest cannabis if its the "high" I want.
But everyday, a I swig down another glass of Green cannabis juice (I like it with ginger beer to cut the taste) I feel better, I feel the pain melt away. I am even taking alot less over the counter pain med's!!!
Maybe I'm Nuts, Maybe a California pot head : )
all I know is I FEEL BETTER, AND CANNOT WAIT TO SEE how Great I feel
after 6 weeks!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day #11-12

So most importantly Im a terrbile blogger.
We are still juicing and everyday.
We love it. It makes us feel great. Yes, Ive still been sick at times, but my body is able to fight a cold like it should. I truly notice that it helps with my pain and inflamation. Honestly start watching medication ad's on tv, and hear how many are designed for somekind of inflamtion. Stomach, lungs, intestines, there are drugs to help with all kinds of problems, but mainly becuase they have inflamation that is causing them paina nd suffering.
Just food for thought.
Again, I am finding Im not such a good and dedicated blogger!!!
BUT! I am discovering I may be a raw cannabis juicer for LIFE!
Peace and enjoy the day!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day #7-Day #10

Sorry I am combining the last few days.
Honestly we were gearing up for the 49er game. and YES!, we lost!
But most importantly we Kept on juicing.
We are well over a whole week now and feeling great.
I've said I was fighting a cold, YES! I am fighting and winning.
I believe it is through the raw jucicng that help me, and my own body to fight off the cold.
I should be able to on my own, and normally haven't been able to.,
Juicing is giving me great hope for bill and I.

I am feeling great, looking good, and I find that I've been eating less too.
The benefits of raw cannabis juice are amazing.
I promise we get no "high" maybe alittle euphoria, but not "high"
A dear friend of mine, who was also starting to juice had to briefly stop now, before surgery, but with in two days of NOT Juicing she could really feel the difference. She believes it is the lack of juice that is having her feel all her pains again, and cannot wait to start back up.

I feel good and strong. and YES! Im still sick some, but not half as bad, and I'm feeling and craving the need for keep on juicng.
IN, FACT......i AM SIGNING out..to go have my first glass of the morning.
sorry my dear followers (Holly I think!!!)
I'll get back on posting tract.... and start  posting lots more info soon.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

DAY #6

Day six was interesting and full of vital juice info!!
I'm starting to get sick (sinus stuff)
AND with this struggle comes days of feeling like crap, missing some work becuase I often get so sick and Yes! I can lead to me needing to go on antibiotics.
What i am learning through studying  the benefits of raw cannabis jucicng is that I believe I am a Non-responder when it comes to antibiotics. What does that mean?? Well, when I get sick a normal course of antibiotic DO NOT WORK. I actually end up taking two to three rounds of increasingly stronger med's.
I woke feeling kinda yucky, but not life stoping. I can feel my body fighting the infection, and My body with the help of raw cannabis, may FIGHT and win this Little battle without the need for medications.
I can only pray!
Continueing to juice, and get lots of Rest today!!
soo I don't get sicker!
Will keep posting!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

DaY #5

They say if you can do something or change a habit or pattern for 21 days straight you can break a bad habit, or start a good one! and continue with it!
Soo I know it's only day 5 and I have many days until this juicing raw cannabis is a habit with us, BUT I sure love it. I have had raw juicing runs in my past, but I never stuck with it. Juicing can be costly and time consuming. However the health benefits, especially if you are NOT a big vegetable person, Juicing can be a way to add healthiness to your life! and all you have to do is drink it down. Not chew and chew and chew! But back to Raw cannabis Juice. I believe that now on day #5 what I can say to anyone who will listen is.... IT IS THE BEST anti-infamitorant I have ever used. I have used many prescibed ones, and they cannot touch how good it feels when youa re not inflamed.  I wish at 40 years old, I was totally healthy, not in pain, not suffering. But honestly, this gives me hope. I don't feel great. But normally, (female cycle talk again) I would still be feeling like crap. I would be alot more bloated. I would definitely be feeling worse. and what I notice most is I DIDN'T MISS a day of work. (which I often do, and am so thankful I work in a place that allows for my illnesses.) I know I have dear friends who worry alot about me.. and I'm right with you, worrying too! But I swear, I'm moving and grooving and and feeling really good! when I know, I would normally be doing really bad! Thanks for reading and  caring!
PS! (i don't know if you can PS on a blog..but)
Bill is lloving the juice too. and what is amazing is, No "high."  He loves it. It gives him energy. he isn't in as much pain. He can move around more. He loves it!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day #4

Emotions and the HIGH!

Ok soo first off, NO high. I swear. Bill would NEVEr use cannabis if it gave him any effects. He just doesnt't like that "high feeling" Even if I do!!! I notices now on day #4 that emotionally I am more calm, more relaxed and less emotional if that is possible.
Im cutting this post alittle short today.. Keeping Up with posting is going to be a alittle challenging too.
But we are still jucing daily, up to five times in fact. We have shared juice or leaves with others and they too are joinging us on our jucing challenging!!
IF YOU ARE IN PAIN, IF YOU SUFFERING please consider raw jucing cannabis leaves. Please I am truly amazed and feel soo blessed for this miracle plant

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day #3

So I explained yesterday that I started my cycle. So normally that would mean, days of me in chronic pain from inflamations, I often get migraines that can last for days (during the cycle.) I gain often,10-12 lb of water wet and have for 20 years now. People, I suffer... let just end with that. And so the idea of going Out to a party would just normally be out of the question. But woke today, I ran down the stairs and swigged on some left over juice from the day before. I felt the pain lighten Up. and I just felt better. Inteterestingly, I actually have started craving the juice as I felt the pain start back in and found I drank alot more Jucie today than so far on the challenge. I actually tried comsuming more juice because if at any point I did start to feel my normal symptoms of my cycle, I wouldn't have gone to the party, let alone made all the food I got to make.
I AM SO HOPEFUL about raw jucing. I hope that there are No ill effects of juicing this raw leaves.
We (bill and I) both are faithfully traveling down this 40 day raw juice challenge with Big smiles on our faves, we feel better, we are enjoying life more. See we even got out and enjoyed some social time with friends!! I just have been so sick over the last few years, I am so hopeful that this maybe the miracle plant our govt. is determine to hide from us!
Enjoy the DAY!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Ok People!
I've got to say, when bill and I wake up and run for some juice (even before his coffee) is absolutely amazing. we both drank at least 3 servings.
Ok... Im not a blogger and I don't know if there is a way to write to be in blogging lingo, but I kept finding I wanted and needed to drink some juice.
It was a strange day for me, I felt bad but good? I knew something was wron and I didn't feel right, but I was able to do everything and more I had to do. and Yes I was tired alittle and yes, I kept saying "bill I feel good but bad!"
Ok so if you a Guy and not into hearing about female stuff stop reading here!!
I woke on day three with my period.
so lets back up for a second. For me, before I get my period, I go throw at least three days of aches severe back pain, nausea, Migraines, I MEAN I GET SICK, AND always know my period is on its way!
But yesterday, I knew i didnt feel right, but not bad. I didnt have all the symptoms I go through. and We recently decovered at 40 I am already perimenimausal... and get my cycles like every17- 20 days now. Ugggs!! But after juicing the day before, and alot during the day, I DID have symptoms and mostly at night, but when I discovered I had started my period. EVERYTHING that was unexplainable about my off feeling was explained. Are you  serious? Did I actually make it through major pre-menstral symptoms without feeling like I was dying is absolutely amazing. I thank God!

So day three way amazing in all. we are continueing on our jucing challenge. Have not stopped YET!
and ready to have my second glass of day three. Opps that info about day three!
Peace out people!
~enjoy the beautiful day!
and If you too suffer from females Ickies!!
think about giving RAW cannabis a TRY!

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 12, 2012.

So we gingerly started our FIRST Day of the Challenge and I made us a blend of fresh tangerine jucie and cannbis leaves. We (bill and I) were allittle afraid that I would throw it up, and bill might get "high" so we decided on our 1st day to juice 30 leaves and share it.
We had our First glass... and WOW!
WE BOTH felt all warm, my aches and pains seem to diminish and we Both got a feeling of euphoria.
NO High, soo bill is really happy.
But we both fe lt great. It gave us energy, it didnt taste bad and we both on our own wanted More.
The next glass we did was without other jucies. I have heard from a friend that Ginger beer really helps cut the taste. It was quick and easy since we already made our cannabis juice for the day. The ginger beer really cut the after taste. and besides alittle bit of burping  up a "Grassy" taste, it really wasn't bad.
 So for the first day we did really well. we each got two glasses down. NO ill side effects to note!
We ended our day feeling great and was ready to start day #2!
40 day challenge! Juice FRESH/RAW cannabis leaves 3-5 times per day.
Hoping to find medicinal benefits from chronic pain, auto-immune disorder,insomnia.
After watching the Youtube video, "Leaf", and saw all the benefits this patient recieved from cannabis. and Not the traditional methods I've already been using over many years of cannbis use.
I have great hope that this 40 day challenge of Raw cannabis Juice will help improve our lives, our well-being and if nothing else! make us feel better!
Is that even possible?
Is there really a chance that juicing raw cannabis will help us to LIVE?
are we hiding in the shaddows a plant that we call ILLEGAL (scheduled I drug- holding NO medicinal value ) that could actually HELP saVE people and cure them from diesease without pharmacutials??
WATCH OVER THE next 40 days and see if JUicing Raw Cannabis leaves will help YOU too!

40 day challenge Plan:

Take 20-30 fresh cannbis leaves extract its juice and drink it 3-5 times a day for 40 + days.
Yes it must be fresh, (extra juice can stay fresh in the fridge for 2-3 days) BUT fresh juice is always considered to have more vitamins and benefits the fresher juice you use.

1:10 ratio. Cannabis is extrememly concentrated and tasted no quite as bad as wheat grass, but it is suggested that you use soemthing to Cut the taste at a 1:10 ratio. Carrot jucie is what is suggested, however I have read and now tasted that "ginger beer" really helps cut the taste. It is said that you can use anything you life.

Ok this isnt an issue for me! But WHAT ABOUT THE HIGH?
For most people, this is the BIG question. I don't want to get that "high" feeling I get from when I smoke it. well I will add to this post video's and reference info, on how I came up with this challenge and am already finding that..... YOU don't get HIgh.
why? well because its raw, the THC isn't decorbonated changing the molecural sturctures making it Physoactive. Really, my partner Bill doesnt EVER use Cannabis becuase he doesn't want to get that "high" feeling!