Monday, January 11, 2016

Live rosin review from fleurish farms

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much TheCannacritic! ���� happy to be spreading the pure medicine!!! ���� ⭐️��⭐️ A little bit about our process … At FleurishFarms we produce SolventlessFlowerOil that is extracted from fresh, sun grown buds using only heat and pressure – no Solvents, no CO2, no butane (no potential heavy metal contaimination). ������������It is the truest form of cannabis essence, bringing each variety of flower to life - This is why we refer to our rosin as Solventless Flower Oil. Many “rosins” are extracted using too high of temperature and thus burn much of the essential terpenes: they cook out the taste. ♨️♨️♨️In best case scenarios, the terpenes are added back in which were derived elsewhere resulting in a soupy mess. �� In these cases the “rosin” is not even truly solventless as almost all cannabis derived terpenes are extracted from cheap trim-run BHO. ��������Our terpene retentions range from 3-9%. We hope you notice how our rosin truly captures the essence of each strain, from taste to complexity. While BHO or CO2 wax may have very high levels of THC, we believe this causes a quick, sharp buzz with very little medicinal value.

    Ask your dispensary about Fleurish Farms today. Our rosin is Clean, Safe & Effective - for those in need and the true cannabis connoisseur -Enjoy! ����������
