Sunday, February 28, 2016

RSO OIL CAPS by Norstar Genetics review

Watch my latest review on RSO CAPS!!!
Prefilled, lab tested, know your dose.
Available in high thc and high cbd caps.

Cannacare topical cannabis line!!

Check out my cannareview video all about Cannacare topicals a local sonoma county cannabis company.

Friday, February 5, 2016

High thc canna capsule by Ligthning Moon Collective -Humboldt made

Wow!!!Are you looking for some high thc canna capsules??
Check out lightning_moon_collective high thc capsules
In 50mg, 100mg, and 200mg of thc per capsules.
I have built up quite a tolerance so i really ❤❤ getting to try
A 400mg capsule dose for meπŸ˜†
I ate the both the 200mg  "epic space caps"
Made in humboldt county these oil and cannabis capsules started to kick in a lot faster than other capsules.
I ❤ the high thc capsules for my deep  fibropain
Eating two of these 200 mg thc capsules each I ached after a long day at work. And often don't sleep that night due to deep fibro pains.
No more pain with an extra long night of sleep!!!!
If you need a lot more thc pick up some  ligthningmoon
spacecaps at sonoma patient group in santa rosa ca.or contact Ligthning Moon Collective  if you want themto carry it at your favorite dispensary too. loved their super strong long lasting capsules.
I give these space caps a πŸ‘πŸ‘

#edibles #strongcannabis #cannacaps #cannabiscapsules
#spg #spatientgroup #medibles

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Topical cannabis does it work?

Do you want pain relief, inflammation relief, muscle pain relief too, topical cannabis really works. Watch my video and pick up a bottle at your favorite dispensary.

TOP 10 Tips for New cannabis Patients

As a budtender in Sonoma county ca, our patients are actually what we like to call the "AARP CROWD" our main increase in New Patient are Older Patients and Women Over the age of 40.
Not young adults, or hippie pot heads. But older patients that want to get rid of the prescribed medicines and give cannabis a try! Either Again, or for the first time.
Coming into a shop where we have everything from edibles and topicals to smokeables and vaporizing only too. We are a full service dispensary and specialize in carrying a wide selection of edibles. Our products come lab tested and we carry a nice selection of High CBD Products.
I have worked at Sonoma Patient Group for 7 years now, and have learned so much since I started. I have been given so many amazing opportunities and experiences that has molded me into the person I am today. Today my passion it to educate people on the benefits of cannabis and teach them how to use it. How to make the most out of their medicine. How to grow it if they want. How to make their own products to save money. Plus there is something magical about making your own medicine.
My top 10 tips for new cannabis Patients:
1. Decide for now one way you want to try cannabis and start there. You could feel like a kid in a candy store and get over whelmed easy. So ask your budtender or patient consultant to educate you. And try and pick one way to start using cannabis. I am not saying don't go buy a little of this and that. But for first time user, I want you to try cannabis one way for several times, learning its affects on you. Noting what you liked and didn't like about the experience. If you are taking it for anxiety, did it work for that? If you chose to vaporizer with a vape pen, Did that product help you? Did it work?
I suggest this, because often when a new person to cannabis gets a bunch of things to try, its hard to pin point what cannabis product worked. So once you do this step, and you learn how that product worked. Please start trying New products too. In different consumption methods. You would be amazed the sleep you can get from eating the "right" amount of edibles.
2. Keep notes. Short term memory loss is part of cannabis. Stop and it goes away pretty quickly. Keep notes of what you bought and what you liked and didn't like. It helps as you are learning. Especially if trying different strains of cannabis, learning what types work well for your conditions is really helpful.
3.Learn to be open minded. Cannabis isn't take 2 puffs and call me in the morning medicine. How it works for me, how I feel, how much I use verses You all of that varies. So learning to try different strains can help you get the best benefits out of your cannabis. If you for example are using cannabis for pain, at night may not mind feeling relaxed and sleepy so an Indica cannabis would be great. But using that in the day time maybe too sedating for some patients. So, by trying some Sativa (daytime ) medicine you can still get the pain relief, without the sleepiness and get more of a creative, uplifting and motivating effects. So be open minded and try different strains.
4. Learn all You can! Some people like to read, google everything cannabis and it will come up! If you are a hands on learner there are Cannabis colleges where you can learn Cannabis 101. Talk with other Patients, chat up the budtenders and educate yourself. You would be amazed, I think that cannabis can be infused into everything. and cannabis can provide a benefit to everything aliment it just depends how it does.
5. Learn to try new tools. If you smoked joints back in the day, today cannabis can be vaporizer, prefilled for you. Pre-rolled. There are all kinds of accessories and equipment for using cannabis. But!!!! Most head shops and tobacco shops mark up these items ALOT!! (Sorry you know I love you guys, but it's true! Right?) So, see if you can get a discount for being a medical patient. Or find out what you want and price it online. I google the item and say online. Or go to amazon or ebay and see the price difference. It is amazing what you can save by shopping online.
6. Go to a social cannabis event at least once. WHY? It is a great way to see all the cannabis products available in the industry and most of these events you can get a lot of free products to try and sample. It is a great way to experience a whole bunch of cannabis products, talk with the makers and or sales team and learn about how their products might help you.
7. For those Not Californian 215 patients!!! I know I go on about dispensaries and walk in and shop. I know that in the rest of the country most states don't have dispensaries Yet. I know there are not store fronts for you to go and shop at. I know.. I am sorry, and please know we have had medical cannabis for almost 20 years. Dispensaries were always apart of our patient model. Please just know with all my heart and from what I see happening in recreational states. Dispensaries are coming to  your states too. It may take some time but they re coming.
8. Bye Bye Amsterdam say hello to Recreational Cannabis in the USA~
we have 5 recreational states already! Colorado and Washington states are doing great with their recreational cannabis. If you can, go to one of these states (Co, Wa, Ak, Or, Dc) and celebrate the legal access to recreational cannabis.
9. Learn your rights as a patients. There are all kinds of information online about laws in your state. and Your rights as medical cannabis Patients. But there are also, groups like ASA Americans for safe access, or local groups that help patient link with caregivers to get the medicine they need grown. As our laws changes and state laws change the rights and access we have is going to only get better. Google it, but there are already some state that welcome cannabis patients to travel into their state with their own medicine.
10. Cannabis is a medicine, an herb and a blessing plant we need to cherish and love. When someone asks "can cannabis...."  My answer is almost always YES! Cannabis has blessed and changed my life, my career, my health and my family. Cannabis has incredible properties and can do amazing things. Don't doubt it.. Fight for the rights for everyone to use it.    
( If you are blessed enough to be in California and of course then be a 215 medicinal marijuana patient you then have access to dispensaries throughout California.)   

Saturday, January 16, 2016

1260 mg THC chocolate mint bar by glowing Buddha

I love cannabis as you know, and I am blessed that I love using cannabis in almost every way possible. Edibles and ingesting cannabis especially high THC edibles are one of my favorites.
Its hard as a medicinal cannabis patient if you need a high dose edible to help with pains, inflammation, anxiety and much more. I came upon this bar in my travels and was super excited that It is 1260mg of thc for the whole bar. Each square is a little over 100 mg per square. I ate 300mg of the chocolate mint "Indica" bar, and loved the taste. I could feel it come on pretty quickly and start relieving my pain. These bars by Glowing Buddha, are Rick Simpson Oil infused!!! It's my opinion that using RSO oil, the high comes on faster and it lasts a lot longer too. It doesn't have that overly "Green" taste. Making it go down just like candy!!These bars come in both Indica and sativa. Also in a variety of chocolate flavors.
Be careful not to over eat it though because it tastes so good.
If you are not a high THC edible person, PLEASE cut one of those squares into about 6 pieces giving you then about 17.5 mg. Knowing your dose and what you can handle is really important not only to have an enjoyable experience but also so it doesn't turn into a terrible one. Cannabis has not killed one person for over consumption, but it can make you FEEL like you could die. YOU won't, but could be so paranoid, you believe otherwise. Go slow, learn what your dose it. I love that when I ingest edibles I can get out of my chronic fibro pain and giggle and have a nice evening too.
Ask for favorite California dispensary or delivery service to carry Glowing Buddha product too!!
The cannacritic

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Emerald cup 2015 cannacritic review

I went to 2015 12th annual Emerald cup at, Sonoma counties fair grounds this past December.
My whole reason for going to the cup was to do a Cannabis cup review, comparing the emerald cup to other cannabis cups I have attended.
First off to not expect 20,000+ people, was kind of silly and lacked them being prepared. So that ment as a 215 medical marijuana patient not only did you have to get checked in, you had to then stand in line for hours to get your 215 wrist band, to have to right to consume cannabis. This isn't something that is new, they do it at every cup, but for some reason I guess they didn't expect that many people I heard it took 4 hours for some people just to get through the check in lines. Not good for patients!
I have to admit, I was late for work and my whole day would have been ruined by a 4 hour wait line, I cut to the front of the line looking for a "vendors line" which I couldn't find. Thank you to the nice man who helped me get my wrist band and on my way. But boy would I have been super upset, if I had to wait hours like some people did. Something I hope they fix for next year.
So remember I was attending the emerald cup as the cannacritic so the whole point was to critique the event and ask vendors if they were interested in getting a cannareview on Instagram for a sample of their products. Asking people isn't easy, but my experience is more important to discuss.
I have worked in a cannabis dispensary for 7 + years now. It is wrong to think my clients or patients are young men ages 18-25. THIS IS WRONG!!! and has been forever!!! Our #1 group of NEW patients is WOMEN over the age of 40!!! And for the last 3 years we have said that the "AARP crowd is our main source of patients" Yes, your read correctly it's not kids or young adults it's our older generation of patients that are tired of the pills they are given for insomnia, depression, pain, anxiety and much more and want to give cannabis a try. More often than not, they can get rid of the pills they are given and use one medicine CANNABIS getting rid of several of their prescribed medications. (Please don't just stop taking your medicine and replace it with cannabis, people do this over a long period of time and with help) But again remember it's Women and Older women.
So, to go to the Emerald cup as a single 215 patient and a women, I was sad to say my experience started off rather bumpy. Until I gave up that I was a critic, a writer and was critiquing the whole event and them ( the vendors) too, that things began to look up for me.
My point, it's still a mans world in the cannabis community. Even if women are the #1 consumers. Even if women are growing cannabis (and always has) They are producing cannabis cup winning, flowers, edibles and topicals too. Women deserve to have a little more friendliness and respect. Especially since we are the biggest buyers. I will get off my soap box and move on to finish my review of the emerald cup, but please if you are producing cannabis and don't realize that women are your base, please do some research and I hope you learn to treat your target audience with love and respect instead of the cold shoulder, "you can't begin to know what I am talking about" attitudes. I am not saying everyone did that. But my first hour at the Emerald Cup wasn't a good experience and it was because I was a women.
Once I started saying I was critiquing them, things changed BIG TIME!!!
So once I got my groove on, I learned that once I listened to what that vendor had to offer and could give them my pitch on what brought me to the Emerald cup, I found attitudes changed and people where super friendly and super giving. This was my first attendance as the cannacritic and writer for "The Irie Times" a local Sonoma county cannabis publication, so I was beyond pleased that giving a review on IG, you tube and my cannacritic blog got me samples of the newest and the greatest cannabis products that the Emerald cup had to offer. Not everyone said "YES" but I would say over 50% of the vendors were willing to hear me out and often share their products with me.
What I also loved about this cannabis cup was it had a different feeling to it than other cannabis cups I have attended. More often they have a super commercial, sponsorship flooded products with a huge push to sell sell sell!!! I am not saying vendors at the Emerald cup weren't there to make money, but it felt to me like it was more about REPRESENTING than selling!!! with over 200 bud entries and 150 concentrates and over 100 edibles this cup was really about the cannabis cup!
Often these cannabis cups sells judges kits, for several hundred dollars. But with the emerald cup, judges were selected and only they got to try all the entries. Great for the judges, not so fun for those who like to buy themselves into becoming a judge!!!!
Even if I wasn't a judge if you walked around the 215 medicinal marijuana area, vendors were giving away free dabs all over the place. If you joined various collectives, you were given gifts anywhere from a sample of their edibles, topicals, cannabis infused products but you actually got cannabis buds, from a gram up to one place gave out whole 1/8 of cannabis for joining up. I actually even got oil and concentrates as well for joining collectives. So if you were willing to go through their process, listen to what their product was about, you could actually walk away with a lot of free cannabis products to try. A lot less lighters than most cannabis cup, I think it was all the dabs!!!LOL
With 20,000+ people over two days it was crazy busy but that is what makes theses events fun. I have been to some with No one showing, and believe me crowds make these events 10x better.
The music was awesome and they even had a big stage with live music going. I don't go for the music but it's always nice to step away from the crowds and chill to so tunes for a bit!
I didn't attend lasts years emerald cup, but I heard one of the biggest complaints was lack of food.
Really? They didn't have food for cannabis users?? Well this year they did much better I think, they had a row of food vendors so it looked like people had a lot more choices. I am a celiac I cannot have gluten and sadly cannot trust cross contamination so I brought my own food!
I spent 9 hours at the emerald cup. I only went for one day, so I could recoup and get ready for work on Monday. But I have to say it started off kind of rough, with the check points and long lines for wrist bands. But once I got my groove on and past all the drama, I really had an amazing time at the 12th annual emerald cup. I am so glad I went. I met some of the most friendly and amazing people. I have tried my best to do all the reviews I promised to do. I still have a few items left to review. I just have to end with saying THANK YOU to every person and vendor all the staff people who went and worked their butts off. Thank you for making my experience a great one. Thank you for trusting in me and I hope everyone has enjoyed all my cannareviews!!!
In closing if you haven't attended a cannabis cup yet, and have wondered if it's worth the cost to get in and go!!! In my cannacritic opinion YES!!! If you want to be with your tribe, If you want access to everything cannabis, if you want to see the latest and greatest in cannabis products cannabis cups are defiantly events worth attending.
All cannabis cups are different, some more showy and all about making $$$$$ but if you want to attend a cannabis cup that is about the cannabis, about who is the best in the EMERALD TRIANGLE AND BEYOND...... Mark your calendar for next Decemeber for sure!!!       


Cavi-cone by caviar gold norcal review

If you haven't met the super friendly crew at Caviar Gold Norcal,
Keep a look out for them. And when you do...
Ask for you Cavi-sawggie too!!!!
Some people may not ❤ their products....
Well, I have watched patients who were non believers get some free cavi-swag and come back time and time again for another cavicone. Or to get another cavi-taffy a 100mg thc taffy. Or really splurge and pick up some of their caviar gold or caviar silver.
Cannabis flowers infused with theirvown cavi oil, from the stem out... Then rolled in kief. Its crazy!!!

Cannabis butter review butter by Norstar Genetics

Check out my video review on the strongest cannabutter I've tried. 5448mg of THC per 8 oz. tub.

Cannabis transdermal patch review

Watch this cannareview on Mary's Medicinals cannabis infused transdermal patches. Want to use cannabis but not smoke it.
Try sticking it on. Ingesting cannabis through your skin. Patches can give you hours and hours of relief.
Check out my full video review!!
Comment if you have questions!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Cannabis infused products for dogs and pets Review

My dog louie is an 10 year old labmix
And is a little chubby dog and get some aches and pain.
He has done his own doggie reviews on these products in the past,
But he told him mom to talk about canna  doggie products one more time!
"Treatibles " Cannabis infused dog treats are a staple item at our house for Louie dog. He ❤ your pumpkin high cbd, dogtreats
"Xternal"cannabis infused topicals also makes several doggie topicals. A dog was infused with cannabis, which help sooth dogs with skin issues, and problems with anxiety. After a long walk Louie ❤❤ his back and hips rubbed with k9 rub. a cannabis infused spray rub, that really helps relieve Louie dogs aches and pains. Lastly, "Vetcbd" this by far is Louies twice a day must have on his food cannabis doggie's oil infused with high cbd cannabis. He double licks his bowl. The extra cbd with the 115mg per bottle makes sure he gets the cbd and cannabis benefits without getting him high.  He gets a lot of #cbd for his doggie aches and pains and anxiety.
LOUIES ONLY MEDICINE IS Cannabis infused high cbd products!
Pick up all these pet products sonoma patient group or ask your favorite dispensary or deliveryservice to carry them too.

Live rosin review from fleurish farms