Monday, March 30, 2015

will raw cannabis juice ever really catch on?

The answer should be "Yes" and Loudly too. But more honestly, having endless supply of raw leaves and buds seem to be trending towards a big fat NO!
Growers throw away the materials we juice and the dispensaries (here in California) need to find a safe clean and non-toxic/pestiside and mold free materials for patients to juice.
Raw juicing is amazing and can give patients many wonderful benefits, especially decreasing inflammation. and almost everything that is wrong with us ends in a "itis" meaning inflamed area somewhere. The raw leaves are non psychoactive so a patient will not feel the high of using smoked cannabis.
BUT WE NEED PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND ME, TO BEG THE GROWERS OF THE WORLD to share their leaves and inmature buds. PLEASE STOP THROWING THEM AWAY. please please let patients know you have them. I hear some people sell raw materials to dying cancer patients, and I don't know how to even start to express the need to GIVE DYING PEOPLE FREE MEDICINE!!
but that is a topic for another day. I say, GROW YOUR OWN IF YOU CAN. even a one light set up can produce you all the leaves you will need. And if you live in a medical cannabis state, ask everyone you know to share not toss your medicine away. Teaching growers that we want their trash, shouldn't be to hard, in that they use to toss most of their trim, and now that trim is a multimillion dollar  bubble hash industry. 
WE NEED TO SPEAK, we NEED TO SHOUT! we need to educate others on RAW CANNABIS JUICING!!! in hopes that one day, everyone world wide will have access to raw cannabis juicing.


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