Monday, March 30, 2015

will raw cannabis juice ever really catch on?

The answer should be "Yes" and Loudly too. But more honestly, having endless supply of raw leaves and buds seem to be trending towards a big fat NO!
Growers throw away the materials we juice and the dispensaries (here in California) need to find a safe clean and non-toxic/pestiside and mold free materials for patients to juice.
Raw juicing is amazing and can give patients many wonderful benefits, especially decreasing inflammation. and almost everything that is wrong with us ends in a "itis" meaning inflamed area somewhere. The raw leaves are non psychoactive so a patient will not feel the high of using smoked cannabis.
BUT WE NEED PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND ME, TO BEG THE GROWERS OF THE WORLD to share their leaves and inmature buds. PLEASE STOP THROWING THEM AWAY. please please let patients know you have them. I hear some people sell raw materials to dying cancer patients, and I don't know how to even start to express the need to GIVE DYING PEOPLE FREE MEDICINE!!
but that is a topic for another day. I say, GROW YOUR OWN IF YOU CAN. even a one light set up can produce you all the leaves you will need. And if you live in a medical cannabis state, ask everyone you know to share not toss your medicine away. Teaching growers that we want their trash, shouldn't be to hard, in that they use to toss most of their trim, and now that trim is a multimillion dollar  bubble hash industry. 
WE NEED TO SPEAK, we NEED TO SHOUT! we need to educate others on RAW CANNABIS JUICING!!! in hopes that one day, everyone world wide will have access to raw cannabis juicing.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Plant your own cannabis juice garden for yourself!

It's March 1st 2015  If you are going to grow your cannabis garden from seeds, it time to get started, Yes for an outdoor garden. If you are going to use clones, it's time to start (if you haven't already decided) what strains you want to grow. Or have access too. For those of you with  low weather conditions I really recommend using a green house, you can even pinterest it and find how to build a green house for $100. It is quiet easy, amazing and you don't have to deal with the lack of heat or sun, plus if designed right, you can remove or pull pack the plastic for fresh air, and less humidity. Also, if you have access to hail bails, constructing a green house for your cannabis garden can not only add height to your garden but also it builds a great base!  If most of you are like ME, I ran out of  Fresh leaves and buds months ago, but have bee blessed to have enough frozen from fresh cannabis at the end of the season. Where I then made juice, frozen them in ice cube trays and pull  out the fresh juice cube I need each day. It works, well too. But I miss my fresh leaves and fresh buds I like to add to our juicing program.
Like I have spoken about before the hardest part about raw cannabis juicing is having access to the raw shade leaves and raw buds that are vital to continue your raw cannabis juice program.
I want to shout from the hill tops, grab every patient I can and share with them "RAW CANNABIS JUICE IS the BEST", non psychoactive,  with the MOST incredible anti-inflammatory properties. I swear I can feel the body aches and pain even chronic pain too start to leave my body with in minutes of raw juicing. But UNLESS YOU GROW IT, IT'S ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE ENOUGH ACCESS TO IT, SADLY! Last  year, I was able to convince the perfect person I know the get into Raw cannabis juicing. A CANNABIS FARMER !!! Farmer's more often than not throw away their big shade leaves, and even little immature buds as they are developing. This is what we need to juice. He even called me later in the season, truly amazed how his neck and shoulder pain was gone! He had convinced others to start juicing too and would  to tell me all about the amazing benefits they were having from, no aches and pains to  their increased amounts of energy. While you do not get HIGH with raw cannabis juicing many people have mentioned a euphoric feeling. I agree, I love my raw juice it make me not only feel happy, but healthy and inflammation feels less from my head to my toes. Dr. Wm. Courtney talks about how our bodies have cannabinoid receptors throughout our bodies, and he also speaks on how many people are cannabinoid defiant. After continuing juicing raw cannabis for 6 months straight every single day, I have to say, I felt the juice as it was injected, charge my body. Decrease it's pain, increase it's energy and boost my euphoria. Which brings me back to Your raw cannabis Juice garden. I am challenging all of my readers this season to please start talking to growers, cannabis users, anyone cannabis friendly about the need for raw leaves, raw buds so we can juice it. and if you can at all (even if only grown in buckets on your porch) GROW A CANNABIS JUICING GARDEN. Grow as many as you legally can, and start juicing as soon as your garden is producing leaves. And Yes, when I am to the harvesting point and even before I JUICE THE BUDS! I think juicing the raw buds gives the strongest most potent parts of the plant. However, I do juice all the leaves, shade leaves, young stems that can be juiced. I don't let anything I can go to waste. I challenge all of you to try a 40 day raw cannabis juice challenge. I challenge you to get out and grow your own medicine. The more people who not only read my blog on how to do it, it's benefit that actually GROW A GARDEN AND JUICE IT. Is the only way that this raw cannabis juicing thing and movement, with become a regular part and availability to patients who want to try raw cannabis juicing. Unfortunately, because this is still new to the cannabis community there is still a missing piece where patients don't have access to this amazing plant in raw form. People don't share or give leaves that they would compost or throw away. SO, I SHOUT!!! GROW YOUR OWN. and START JUICING.
~ PeAcE and Mahalo